Doing things is not the same
as getting things done

What are discretionary services?
Discretionary Services refer to a category of bespoke, personalized services that fall outside the realm of normal estate management or operational oversight. They are defined by flexibility, confidentiality, and a proactive, problem-solving mindset. Such is the unique nature of this work that it has seen me attending a funeral with a client who felt uncomfortable going alone, training the crew of a luxury yacht to mitigate security threats at sea, and facilitating the departure of unauthorized occupants of a luxury apartment.
In most cases, it means stepping in where there’s no clear job title for what needs to be done. That might involve handling a sensitive personal matter, navigating complex social dynamics, or simply being an ally when you don’t want to (or shouldn’t have to) deal with difficult or challenging situations directly.
Even those with extensive teams, trusted advisors, and a large circle of supportive family and friends can sometimes find themselves wondering, 'who do I actually call for this?' The answer: someone who already knows how you operate. Someone you trust implicitly and who understands your priorities - and can act in your best interest without the need for things to be explained twice. If you are wondering if a problem you have falls into this category, then it almost certainly does. But why not drop me a line and find out?